52 Ways to Show People You Care

  1. Notice them
  2. Smile at them
  3. Encourage them to think BIG
  4. Look them in the eye when you talk to them
  5. Ask them about themselves
  6. Let them tell you how they feel
  7. Listen to their stories
  8. Call them on the phone just to say hi
  9. Answer their questions
  10. Ask them their opinions
  11. Give them your undivided attention
  12. Believe what they say
  13. Tell them what you like about them
  14. Delight in their discoveries
  15. Listen to their favorite music with them
  16. Tolerate their interruptions
  17. Suggest better behaviors when they act up or act out
  18. Show up at their games, concerts and special events
  19. Tell them how much you like being with them
  20. Tell them about yourself
  21. Help them take a stand, then stand with them
  22. Ask them to help you with something
  23. Keep the promises you make to them
  24. Tell them how proud you are of them
  25. Send them a letter, postcard or an email
  26. Introduce them to your friends and family
  27. Make time to be with them
  28. Be excited when you see them
  29. Notice when they grow
  30. Remember their birthdays
  31. Believe in them
  32. Meet their friends and family
  33. Include them in conversations
  34. Laugh at their jokes
  35. Do things together
  36. Respect them
  37. Find a common interest
  38. Do what they like to do
  39. Applaud their success
  40. Contribute to their collections
  41. Read aloud together
  42. Accept them as they are
  43. Share a meal together
  44. Go places together
  45. Build something together
  46. Make decisions together
  47. Help them learn something new
  48. Be honest with them
  49. Encourage them to hlep others
  50. Let them make mistakes
  51. Admit when you make a mistake
  52. Be nice to them

Used with permission  © 2000 – 2011 John Mark Ministries. ABN: 89 767 009 464

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